Lead by Clifford Chance Deutschland LLP as global lead counsel, Carsted Rosenberg LLP advised Heidelberger Druckmaschinen on a EUR 250 million Revolving Credit Facility. The refinancing was effected by an amendment and extension of a secured credit line provided by an international syndicate of banks in 2011 and successfully extended in an amount of EUR 250 million until June 2019. Heidelberg is the world-wide leading provider of solutions and services for the print media industry with a global market share of over 40%. Clifford Chance, New York, Clifford Chance, London, Clifford Chance, Amsterdam, Clifford Chance, Paris, Clifford Chance, Singapore, Clifford Chance, Tokyo, Clifford Chance, Hong Kong, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, Toronto, King & Wood Mallesons, Sydney, Wolf Theiss, Vienna and Carsted Rosenberg, Copenhagen all acted as local counsels to Heidelberg led by the Clifford Chance banking team in Frankfurt. The bank syndicate was lead by Deutsche Bank AG, Commerzbank AG, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, BNP Paribas and HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt as mandated lead arrangers and advised by White & Case, Munich as global lead counsel and White & Case, New York, White & Case, London, White & Case, Paris, White & Case, Hong Kong, White & Case, Tokyo, Nauta Dutilh, Amsterdam, Stiekmann Elliott, Toronto, Schönherr, Vienna, Allens Arthur Robinson, Sydney and Gorrissen Federspiel, Copenhagen as local counsels.